Ahmed Sheikh

रिज़्क तक़दीर का,खुद उड़के चला आता है, पर जो दिया है, मेरे मालिक ने, हर एक दाने को । That's what you are bringing us - Food blessed by the divine. There is no service higher than this.”

“Around two hundred migrant workers from our slum left for their homes as soon as the lockdown began. Their hometowns are thousands of kilometers away. Some left by foot on highways or on train-tracks. Others tried stealthily escaping in containers and milk trucks. We don't even know how many of them reached home. They were in touch with us only for a few days. Some of them sent pictures of their shredded soles, bloodied feet, and blistered skin. Soon their phones weren't reachable. We don't know if it’s because they ran out of balance or some other reason.

The workers who couldn't travel were in distress. They are predominantly daily wage earners who keep only a portion of their wages and send the rest of their money home. Their meager savings got over within a few days after the lockdown was announced, and they were starving.

One day, I got some supplies from my personal savings and hired caterer to prepare fifty meals. From then on, the number grew day by day. Luckily, around the time the demand reached a hundred, someone informed us about khaanchahiye. Now thanks to what you are providing us, we serve two hundred meals a day.

I make sure that I alone perform the serving to maintain hygiene and sanitization. Most people are happy to receive freshly cooked food during these trying times. I don't get to see their smiles, because we are strict in enforcing masks. But I know it when I look at their eyes. But few people find it humiliating to stand in line and receive food. So after distributing the majority of the food packets, I save a few for later. After others have gone back, I serve the remaining packets to those who don't want to stand in line in front of everyone. I try not to look at them, because every time I do, I see their heads bow down. It is the most painful thing to watch.

But you know what, I have been in social service for the past two decades. I have seen many dark days in this city. The 92/93 riots, 2005 floods, 26/11, and many more. And everytime I have seen people come together irrespective of their religion, caste or creed and help the city bounce back. Even now, Hindu brothers in our slum prepare evening meals for us to break our fasts during the month of Ramadan.

And look at how we came across you guys when we were running out of options. That reminds me of a sher penned by my Uncle.

रिज़्क तक़दीर का,खुद उड़के चला आता है,

पर जो दिया है, मेरे मालिक ने,

हर एक दाने को ।

(Nourishment of divine blessings,

finds its own way to those in need,

for my Lord has granted wings,

to every grain indeed.)

That's what you are bringing us - Food blessed by the divine. There is no service higher than this.”

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We are grateful for your past support, which enabled us to realise our ambitious goals. As we persist in our mission, your renewed sponsorships sustain the continuous operation of our community kitchens, ensuring that essential meals continue to reach those in need.

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PS - We deeply value your commitment to ending hunger and enhancing lives in Mumbai.

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Khaana Chahiye Foundation traces its origins to a citizen-led food-relief effort during Mumbai's Covid-19 lockdown, evolving into one of the city's largest crisis management initiatives. Today, it persists in its mission to combat hunger through various relief and advocacy efforts.

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